














(本報訊)10月6日中午克利夫蘭天主敎管區亞洲天主敎社區在ST. Clarence Churc隆重舉行了一年一度的盛會,亞洲各個族裔的敎徒穿上自己的絢麗的民族服裝,主敎James Quinn帶領各個族裔的神父做彌撒,現場場面壯觀,更激發人們對上帝的敬畏和感恩。當日還有各個族裔的代表使用自己國家的母語表達對上帝的感恩。近2小時的活動,有唱詩頌歌,有名族樂器表演。最後還提供豐富的美食。


Logo design explanined
2013 Asian Mass logo designed by Teenager from Vietnamese Community. Here is the explanation from the designer.
The Year of Faith celebrated in 2012 to 2013 has become a very meaningful time for me. Catholics are called to follow Jesus’ path and strengthen their faith during this year. Obviously, this year’s Asian Mass and dinner celebrated in the Year of Faith has inspired me to create a design for this our theme, Come Together in Faith. As the main logo of the Year of Faith is a ship, I transform the phrase “Come Together in Faith” into the shape of a ship as well. That ship is heading toward all of us; it welcomes us to participate in the journey with God. The cross is placed at the center and extends to the edge in order to get our attention and emphasize the power of God. The fish symbol is a decoration on the ship to illustrate Jesus guiding and accompanying our trip to the kingdom of God.
The Asian celebration occurs during Ordinary Time according to the Catholic calendar. In keeping with this liturgical season, the design is done in green, the main color of this period, and red, the theme color of the Year of Faith. Finally, the yellow background shows the joyful spirit so characteristic of the Mass itself. I also used yellow as a substitute for gold to signify the presence of God among our Catholic community. As we can “come together in faith”, we travel together with God on this ship!









