












浦 瑛

克利夫蘭著名華人邢永瑞先生將在2014年的6月全家將喬遷到加州,享受家人團聚的天倫之樂,邢先生年過90的父親也住加州。這次他特地趕回來參加克利夫蘭美華協會的新年活動,這次活動也要選舉新主席。邢先生曾經是美華協會2005 年的主席,他表示特地趕回來也是對協會對新人的支持。
    2月10日邢永瑞先生宴請克里夫蘭Northeast Ohio Neighborhood Health Clinics, Inc (NEON)的總裁Willie F. Austin夫婦和4Kids 基金會主席Arthur Fayne夫婦, CIS社區綜合服務有限公司國際發展部顧問張琳娜與先生,我與我的先生一起在Twinsburg裝修一新的華都自助餐廳過中國年。
    當晩我先生就最近冬運會談了他的想法,請看下面他寫的感言:我的兩次冰上”天鵝湖”20 年間隔…


My today’s Wechat post would have value to post in your newspaper…
You can tell this world won’t miss me at all if I would not do engineering work but would create something if I would do humanity work…
Ok back to Sochi Olympic game, leave other rumors alone, who care? the game is what we want to watch.
By the way just googled and found that I lived at the same 緯度 as Sochi! No wonder I feel so cold this winter… the same zone cold enough for a Winter Olympic game!
Can’t tell too much on other new added games such as a lot snowboard events, The traditional female ice figure skating ladies and pairs, are the highlights in the first a couple of days for team medals. Russia comes strong and faultless, dominant in its home soil. What impossibly light trip jumps, contortionist spins and the mettle of a seasoned champion, Julia Lipnitskaia (15 years old!) led Russia to gold in team event.
US team of course was chasing the gold very closely and took bronze medal with great effort, Cheer!
Here I am not talking about the competition or who won the gold medal, rather expressing my feeling on how elegant the Russia’s performed so far on ice.
Julia Lipnitskaia (single)and Elena Ilinykh and Nikita Katsalapov (pair free dance) put the show to top performance level with my breathless on their faultless performances. It is not just watching ice dancing or skating, it is art and treasure hunting! Especially the Elena pair skated “Swan Lake”, the work of Tchaikovsky nailed their skate perfectly, made me cry, a 52 years old man cried just like he was once twenty years ago...
Last time when I watched Olympic game 20 years ago (I don’t remember any the same level of performance in between…) , The same “Swan Lake” music but skated by Oksana Baiul in either 1993 World Ice Skating Champion or 1994 Olympic Champion from Ukraine(would for Soviet Union at that time…) when Julia Lipnitskaia wasn’t even born… Oksana Baiul also dressed black skated “Swan Lake” with unbeatable performance won the gold(beat US Nancy Kerrigan who was the gold favorite in that game), that was the first time I watched figure skating amazed by the effects of “Swan Lake” on ice after I came to United States, never thought the next time would take twenty years… same elegant from ‘swans’ on ice, in black but shine…
I knew to me this is not just enjoying ice skating, it is the bravura classic music being completed by heart and soul and most possible body languages on ice… I just can’t express more in writing. I knew on this ice (Olympics), no other skaters dare to challenge the “Swan Lake” or top classic legends but Russian. I am so blessed enjoying one more time last night though it took 20 years apart from last time... Yes good things need be patient so does life…
Opps, back to Rock’n Roll and real world…









