

請支持Nan Whaley競選俄亥俄州州長

黃唯大律師:我相信Nan Whaley是俄亥俄市民的最佳選擇,她對俄亥俄州來説意味着眞正的改變! 我是黃唯,是俄亥俄州克利夫蘭和哥倫布市的移民律師。4月22日星期四晩上,我的同事Michael Patterson代表我參加了Dayton市長Nan Whaley在位于Shaker Heights的Lana and Marc Moresky家舉辦的克利夫蘭州長競選活動。
    幾天後,Nan Whaley來到我和Michael在克利夫蘭的辦公室,我們就州長競選進行了愉快的交談。我認識並尊敬Whaley市長多年,我相信她是俄亥俄市民的最佳選擇。
    我想讓我所有的朋友知道Nan Whaley對俄亥俄州來説意味着眞正的改變。我支持她。




Meet Nan
   Nan grew up in a small town in Indiana. She learned the values of hard work, strength, and resilience from her dad, an Ironworker who lost his job but never lost his dignity, and her mom, who went to work at the laundromat behind their house to help make ends meet.
   Back then, Ohio was where people went for opportunity, so she attended the University of Dayton, becoming the first person in her family to graduate from college. Ohio led the last industrial revolution; with the right leadership, we can also lead the next one.
   As Mayor of Dayton since 2013, Nan has taken on the community’s most challenging issues, including tackling the opioid crisis, cutting overdose deaths by half and saving hundreds of lives. She led the fight to take on a broken education system and provide quality pre-k to every four-year-old in the city. Thanks to her leadership, Dayton is growing stronger with new jobs and investments across the city.
   During her time as Mayor, Dayton has been tested again and again with crises like a KKK rally, a series of devastating tornadoes, and a senseless mass shooting that left 9 people dead. Each time, Nan stepped up and led her city through its hardest moments.
   Ohio’s communities are strong, but they need a partner in the Statehouse. Nan is ready to take on the toughest challenges to make Ohio a place of opportunity where every family can thrive.
Our Best Chance to Turn Ohio Blue
   Ohio is at a crossroads. Nan is running for governor because she knows our state is fundamentally broken and Ohioans deserve better. The same special interests and corrupt politicians have been in charge for 30 years as our state has fallen further behind. Rich campaign donors get rewarded while the rest of us fall further behind. The only answer is a total overhaul. This is the perfect storm to have a Democrat in the Governor’s seat.
* In 2018, the Democratic candidate for Ohio Governor lost by just over 3 points and Sherrod Brown was re-elected. By starting early and building coalitions across the state, we can close that gap. Despite what the pundits say, Ohio is still a swing state and Nan’s candidacy is exactly the type of momentum-building, historic campaign the state needs to turn blue up and down the ballot.
* While Nan is bringing Democrats together, the Ohio Republican Party is coming apart at the seams. The GOP is embroiled in a $61 million bribery scandal and the companies involved bankrolled Mike DeWine’s 2018 campaign.
* DeWine now faces attacks from Donald Trump, threats of impeachment from his own party, and the first primary challenge against a sitting Ohio governor since the 1930’s.
* It’s early in the primary, but in the polling so far DeWine is already behind and stuck in the thirties; the most recent poll has 34% of Ohioans wanting to re-elect him, while 48% want someone new.
* “We need local solutions because the corruption in the state is getting to epic proportions.”
— Nan Whaley

Path to Victory
   This is our chance to make lasting change in this state. Let’s build a movement to bring change to Ohio. We have several months before the November 2022 election, but our work to win starts now. We are building this campaign with grassroots support and are starting out strong:
   Within the first week of announcing her campaign, the majority of Ohio Democratic state legislators endorsed Nan.
  Nan has been endorsed by EMILY’s List, who has the Ohio Governor’s race as one of its top targeted races this cycle. National organizations clearly see there is an opportunity here to win statewide.
   Nan’s nomination will be historic. Neither party has nominated a woman to be Governor of Ohio. Ever.
   Nan’s candidacy is being recognized as ground-breaking. The editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer described her as “the best Democratic statewide candidate we’ve had in 20 years” and said her charisma and energy will provide a clear contrast in this race.
We don’t need to persuade anyone to vote Democratic for the first time, or the first time in a long time. Sherrod Brown’s re-elections provide a clear path to victory, but he’s not the only Democrat who can win.
   If a single candidate could do as well as Rich Cordray (2018 Gov nominee) in blue-collar Ohio, as well as Joe Biden in white-collar Ohio, and as well as Hillary Clinton in the cities of Ohio, they’d get 49.2% of the vote. A candidate like Nan who can appeal to blue-collar ex-Democrats, white-collar ex-Republicans, and the diverse communities in Ohio’s cities can win this state.
Endorsed by:
local elected officials

Help us Win!

   To turn Ohio blue, we need your help. Between now and election day we need to raise enough money to compete against the GOP’s deep pockets and every bit helps. Can Nan count on you to help make lasting change in Ohio? To make a contribution, or for more information, please visit NanWhaley.com
or mail a check to:
Friends of Nan Whaley
PO Box 2815
Dayton, OH 45401


認識Nan Whaley

* 2018年,俄亥俄州州長的民主黨候選人以3個點的差距落敗,Sherrod Brown再次當選。通過儘早開始並在全州建立聯盟,我們可以結束這一差距。不管權威人士怎么説,俄亥俄州仍然是一個搖擺州,Nan的候選人資格正是這是一場聲勢浩大的歷史性運動.
* 當Nan將民主黨人團結在一起的時候,俄亥俄州的共和黨正在分崩離析。共和黨捲入了6100萬美元的賄賂醜聞,爲Mike DeWine 2018年的競選提供了資金的公司牽扯其中。
* DeWine現在面臨着來自特朗普的攻擊,來自他自己黨派的彈劾威脅,以及自20世紀30年代以來首次針對在任俄亥俄州州長的初選挑戰。
* 目前還處于初選階段,但在民調中,DeWine已經落後,停留在30多;最近的民意調查顯示,34%的俄亥俄州人希望他再次當選,而48%的人希望換一個新人。
-Nan Whaley

* Nan得到了EMILY 's List的支持,她把俄亥俄州州長競選作爲這一輪競選的首要目標之一。國家組織清楚地看到了在全州範圍內獲勝的機會。
* Nan的提名將是歷史性的。兩黨都從未提名過女性來做州長。從來沒有。
* Nan的候選人資格被認爲是具有開創性的。Cleveland Plain Dealer的編輯稱她是“20年來最好的民主黨全州候選人”,並且表示她的魅力和活力將在這場比賽中形成鮮明的對比。
* 我們不需要説服任何人第一次或很長一段時間以來第一次投票給民主黨。Sherrod Brown的連任爲勝利提供了一條清晰的道路,但他並不是唯一一個能夠獲勝的民主黨人。
* 如果有一位候選人能在藍領階層的俄亥俄州做的跟Rich Cordray92018年州提名)一樣、或像喬·拜登(Joe Biden)在白領階層的俄亥俄州、或希拉里·克林頓(Hillary Clinton)在俄亥俄州各城市都有同樣出色的表現,那么他們將獲得49.2%的選票。像Nan這樣的候選人,如果能吸引藍派前民主黨人、白領前共和黨人,以及俄亥俄州各城市的多元化社區,就能贏得這個州。

Friends of Nan Whaley
PO Box 2815
Dayton, OH 45401