

2022 Summer Potluck 夏天自助野餐會



  August 21, 2022 Summer Potluck at Lakewood Park was another successful event, bringing together families and friends of the Chinese Women Association of Cleveland (CWA). There was much to celebrate under the Pavilion, where everyone congregated. This was the second- round potluck after last year, which was the first potluck event, a long overdue social gathering after a long hiatus from the pandemic. If there was one thing among many things the pandemic taught us, was, don’t take gatherings for granted. Somehow this was felt that afternoon. Everyone treasured every moment, enjoyed the food, exchanged conversations, caught up with old friends, as well as made new ones. Anna and her team did it again! They pulled off a well- organized event serving about fifty plus members and their family and spouses with sumptuous food and drinks, music, and dance. Food kept showing up, brought in by members who came later. Laughter, smiles, a chatty crowd and popping balloons from the games played. Some members checked out the Solstic Steps at the park, overlooking Lake Erie, and Cleveland at the park’s lookout point. Everyone enjoyed the day, eating and talking, along with other diverse community groups under the Pavilion. The pictures said it all, that members had an unforgettable day. Thank you organizers for putting this together.

    疫情後婦女會組織的第二次大型戶外聚餐,當天早上各區有大雨,小雨和陣雨。可幸天公作美下午雨過天晴,陽光明媚。當天早上收到會員們發來的各種顧慮,擔心活動是否能正常,看到這些信息,默默的禱吿…..然後信心滿滿的回信息。吿知婦女會當天的活動如期舉行,並吿知前一晩有看到彩虹。天氣會好,會有陽光,婦女會有訂大棚,能遮風避雨,有雨就見彩虹,會有享受陽光的時候。感謝上帝垂聽作美,下午雨過天晴,陽光明媚。大家如期相聚相見,吃吃喝喝,説説聊聊,談談笑笑,喜樂無比。董事Amy 帶領的遊戲吸引一大群新朋友舊朋友,大人小孩玩得不亦樂乎,眞眞喜樂。張儀老師帶的舞蹈也是欢快愉悅,美女們隨著音樂舞出一身大汗,感謝婦女聯誼會的董事們!感謝他們的辛勞和為社團奉獻的精神!也感謝支持婦女聯誼會的新老會員們!真心感謝和祝福!期待下次再聚!