




















by Grandfather,

Dr. Teh-Kuang Chang

Dearest Veronica,
We are welcoming you to the world
As you were born on August 15, 2007
You give us the first impression
with your beauty, quality and personality
You are a combination of your parents
physically and mentally
with the tradition of your grand parents
related to your aunts, uncles, and cousin
You have
thick, black, long hair
broad forehead
balance of eyebrows
good shape of nose
with the expression of smiling face
Your eyes are as sparkling of crystal
Your voice is as sound of music
You are a very reasonable person
You cry to indicate your need
After your father changes your diaper, you return to quiet
You cry as you are hungry
when your mother feeds you , you suck the milk as a little pig.
When you open your eyes for first sight
to recognize your family members,
You are just as to enlighten the world,
to warm up the mankind
You are carrying on the torch to prolong the glory of the family.
You are the center of our family love.
You are the source of happiness for all of us
We all love you, Veronica


喜慶滿月天倫樂 三代同堂闔家歡

  十一月十三日,麗華酒家老闆DONNA HOM,舉辦她的第十個孫子滿月酒,一百多位親朋好友歡聚一堂喜慶小寶寶滿月。
   DONNA HOM的第四個兒子RANDY AND ANGIE 2000年結婚,現在他們倆有三個孩子,大兒子BRANDON 5歲,女兒TIFFANY 三歲,老三CAMERON 滿月。伊利華報祝小寶寶 健康聰明,平安快樂!
祝福DONNA HOM全家:生意興隆,家家幸福!






Seventy years ago I came into the world in the city of Bremen during this holy Christmas night on December 25, 1935, when Christians celebrate the birth of a Savior, God’s beloved Son Jesus Christ, the long awaited Messiah, the Prince of Peace. No bright star shone in the heavens on that cold winter night on my behalf, as it did 2,000 plus years ago in the little town of Bethlehem in the Middle East. BUT, the light of my Savior’s presence has been shining bright within my heart for a long time. And that has made all the difference in my life.

I fear nothing, neither life nor death, and especially not turning 70, for God is with me. I do not worry about today or what the future may bring, because I have put my trust in my Lord’s hands. His Spirit is with me. How do I know? For the Bible tells me so. For my daily bread I read Scripture so that I can live by God’s eternal truth and God’s promise of eternal life every day of my life. It gives me great comfort, hope and joy, an anchor I can trust and enjoy.

Human beings live in physical bodies here on this Planet Earth, subject to birth, growth declining health and returning to dust. That is the life cycle for every one, no matter how rich or how poor, whether light skinned or a rich chocolaty toned color. All have the same destiny. So, what is life like at seventy? I have slowed down a bit as becomes a senior citizen. I feel a few aches and pains, ther is no denying it, for the body is aging. But, in my heart and in my soul, I feel younger than springtime.

There is nothing I lack. I have a loving family, ( I worked hard to create unity and harmony), a jolly good husband, (he just came that way), a son who is a doctor, a daughter who is a business manager, another daughter who is a lawyer ( we value educating them), and we have three precious grandchildren to love and delight in, more on the way in 2006. I have a comfortable home and extraordinarily dear friends and neighbors with whom I share laughter and tears, which means love and life. When I encounter strangers, I smile or chat a while, for some are lonely and some are grieving loss, too deep for words. Our encounter brithens my day and theirs. As I go through the day, I frequently say a prayer: “Bless the Lord, o my soul, and all that is in me, bless God’s holy name; Bless the Lord, o my soul, and forget not all His benefits.”

I have become what I believe, the truth I seek, great love to share and helping others out of despair. If we act on the basis of our convictions, we gain the freedom to be completely human in God’s image to rejoice each day for what it brings. That, my friends, is PEACE on EARTH, GOODWILL toward OTHERS, when it begins with you and me. A Blessed Happy New Year to all of us! It’s great to be seventy years young!



祝福你: 美麗 健康 眞誠 善良!
Arielle, Mackenzie, Rachel, Sophia, Brian, Greg,
Thank you for coming. You’ve brought friendship and beautiful gifts; I had a wonderful time and I hope you also enjoyed!




曉月女士生日快樂,家庭幸福, 永遠年輕!




