













2月3日,克里夫蘭ITM公司總裁杰克.克勒瓊三世( Jack Craciun III ),從克里夫蘭開車到紐約參加了伊利華報第五屆伊利杯的新聞發佈會,現場Jack非常熱情地演講了他與伊利華報近10年來的合作,並且表示將與華報合作,于第五屆伊利杯頒奬時在克利夫蘭搖滾樂博物館舉辦一台中西合璧的晩會。這次紐約之行我也更認識和瞭解了Jack ,他和他的朋友在30年前曾經也是紅過紐約娛樂界的人士。


The Erie Chinese Journal & The First DragonTM Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange is growing from CLE to NYC, into the PRC and the Globe.

CLE History is Repeating Itself:A group of multi-cultural CLE Media entrepreneurs have joined together to prepare forthe delivery of a new generation of cross cultural exchange in the fields of education and entertainment that will produce trillions of dollars of new expendable income to a globe of humanity.
By: Mr. Jack Craciun III 杰克.克勒瓊三世

The Present – This past week the dreams of Pu Ying and Jack Craciun III were presented in New York City: In 2007 Pu Ying and I met during the Asian Leadership Luncheon with Mayor Frank Jackson. We learned very quickly of our individual dreams to market the Chinese culture and merge it with the cultures of Cleveland. Pu Ying’s dream was to grow her newspaper regionally and then into a global internet news, education and entertainment Media. My dream is to deliver the culture of China to the world via literature, fine art, and Calligraphy and to fuel the delivery and success of the cultural exchange, as in the past with the “British Invasion” of fifty years ago, by merging Chinese musical culture and tradition with that of Cleveland, The Rock and Roll Capital of World.
A little known fact is that the world’s population is 7 billion, and half of that population is under 30 years old. Another is that expendable income of 8 to 12 years old in the USA alone is approximately $44 billion, and for 13 to 19 year olds it is $75 billion.
ITM research has confirmed that ITM has located two new media networks in earth: 350 plus Chinatown newspapers located in almost every primary and secondary market on earth, and CLE based VoiceitRadio.com which is developing a network to include two new stations. ITM research also confirmed that ITM has defined a new global demographic with new and profound expendable income ratios – The Asian population on earth is in excess of 4 billion people
Since 2007, the Erie Chinese Journal has published 22 feature stories covering the evolution of my family in America, my global work as a Cleveland broadcaster and producer, my 20 years of pioneering with ITM in China beginning in 1985,The First DragonTM Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Enterprise, ITM’s new strategic alliances, The First Dragon Publishing, Ltd. The First Dragon FoundationTM and The Future of Medicine, Inc. To learn more go to: http://itmltd.com/Intro-The-First-Dragon-&-TFD-Foundation.pdf
This past week Pu Ying and the story of her dream for The Erie Chinese Journal and my dream for The First DragonTM Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange being merged were presented to and were well received by NYC Chinese business leaders and Chinese global Internet TV and newspapers. During my keynote speeches I shared insights into Pu Ying and the entrepreneurial evolution of the Erie Chinese Journal, Cleveland’s rock history and how its radio broadcasting history had delivered an unequaled array of new economic drivers to the world during the last forty-five years, my dedications to learning about the culture of China over the past 30 years, and now, the ITM dedication to market the culture of China to the world. I also introduced new developments pertaining to the third and final stage of The First DragonTM Cross Cultural Exchange before its global release.
As ITM enters the final stage of The First DragonTM production and content development of its consumer product merchandising, intellectual property licensing and news and social media programing initiatives, itis now finalizing strategic alliance negotiations with VoiceItRadio.com (VIR) of Cleveland, Ohio. VIR is uniquely prepared to contribute to the unequalled legacy of Cleveland broadcasters to enhance the human condition around the world through the cultural exchange of education and entertainment and merging transpacific cultures. Today VoiceItRadio is a leading global Internet social service radio station developed by Errol Porter Founder, Chairman / CEO and Andre Pettis, President / CTO.
Together, the ITM and VoiceItRadio strategic alliance, in association with the Erie Chinese Journal,will develop two new VIR Internet Stations to prepare for the future release of The First DragonTM: The VIR black music history and modern music Station and the VIR Rock History and modern music station.
Where Cleveland goes so goes the Globe; The future is ours: we did it before and we will do it again.
The Past – Cleveland’s Radio Broadcasters Change the world forever: Soon after I was sent to China in 1985 by my Romanian father to pioneer and nation build within the country he knew would become the new number 2 economy on earth after England, Germany and Japan, new Chinese immigrant, Mrs. Pu Ying, publisher of the Erie Chinese Journal,arrived in Cleveland in 1991 to pioneer a new life in her new nation. Four years later in 1995 the city Pu Ying fell in love with became the Rock and Roll Capital of the World. Inspired by that accomplishment and the promise it held for Cleveland, Pu Ying had to wait almost seven years to put her entrepreneurial Media dream into action.After having two children Pu Ying began publishing the Erie Chinese Journal newspaper in 2002.
At that time of inspiration for Pu Ying and millions of Americans,CLE’s global recognition was blossoming again into a global cross cultural exchange juggernaut reignited by the grand opening of The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. “The Rock Hall” as it is often called was born out of the CLE entrepreneurial spirit which gave birth to the first commercially successful FM radio station on earth, WNCR FM Radio, established in 1970 and its new culturally defining format, Progressive Rock, adding to the global rock and roll Legacy of Cleveland DJ Alan Freed.In Cleveland during the early 1950s it was DJ Alan Freed who coined the term “Rock and Roll” and produced the first rock and roll concert in history, his “Moondog Coronation Ball” while on the air at WHK. The WHK Building on Euclid Avenue is now home to the number one concert club on earth, The Cleveland Agora.
WNCR became the first radio station to redefined American radio and television broadcasting by ending AM radio leadership in the USA to establish what ultimately grew into global FM Radio dominance and programming leadership in the fields of social service, news and entertainment broadcasting and related promotions. “The Cultural Revolution” was the term that fueled the FM global broadcast renaissance.
WNCR was the station that defined a new 18 to 24 year old global demographic as the “most aware and affluent segment of society on earth” which “represented the world’s largest population.”The commercial success of WNCR and its creative stereo and quadriphonic cross cultural music (think Muddy Waters defining England’s rock culture just as CLE’srock culture much earlier in history was derived from the same spirit and culture of its “People of Color”)also contributed to the birth of Cleveland’s trend setting print publication, the Scene Magazine, and WNCR’s live broadcast production with the Cleveland Agora contributed significantly to the Agora being recognized as the “number one concert club in America.”
Merging transatlantic musical cultures provided WNCR with unique music, programs and productions, that helped to establish FM radio stations all over America and Canada and then into Europe via “Radio Luxenbourg,” South America and Japan. Cleveland’s global FM Radio broadcast history and rock and roll cross cultural entertainment programing has delivered in excess of $3.5 trillion of new economies representing significant new expendable income ratios for consumers located in third world nations around the world.
In fact it was we few CLE executives who delivered the WNCR business model and then contributed to the development of the ABC (national) FM radio network,which consisted of 37 major US market FM stations and its establishment of the ABC “In Concert” national Radio / Television simulcast. “In Concert” became the first commercially successful simulcast in broadcasting history, achieving a weekly audience of 34 million listeners and viewers. This ABC simulcast model gave birth to MTV satellite broadcasting and the cable and wireless educational and entertainment Internet programing of today.








