

浦瑛開講:事業成功 萬物有靈

   7月13日,我與Cynthia一起參加了SPJ(Society of professional Journalists)2021年 Donald Sabath Awards Event活動,當晩活動地點是在Bookhouse Brewing (啤酒書屋)。眞是太新鮮了,第一次去這家店,進門看到一只非常可愛的狗,Cynthia愛狗,就與狗玩起來,我説給Cynthia還有狗拍個照,沒有想到狗狗一回頭擺了一個好看的樣子還笑着看着鏡頭,這是我有生以來第一次親眼目睹狗聽得懂我講話的狗,

   SPJ成立于1950年,是全美專業記者協會。今晩給了Twinsburg 高中畢業生Joshua Aponte 4年全奬攻讀記者學位,Joshua 在高中學習期間喜歡做體育新聞報導,因爲他愛當記者。還有兩位大學敎授Cliff Anthony and Carrie Buchanan 獲奬。

   獲奬敎授Carrie Buchanan在她的感言里表示:在這個領域基本都是白人的天下,希望以後有更多其他不同族裔的人參加,我想美國兩百多年的歷史,他們做得這么完善,主要是各行各業都有非常系統的管理,有愛心人士貢獻財富,重視敎育,給年輕人許多機會。
   當晩Cynthia與一位80歲的老記者談得十分投緣,巧合她們都是在不同年代做過專題採訪共和黨的報道,這位80歲的記者1976 代表tv5 ,Cynthia 2016代表伊利華報。還有十年前,SPJ在克利夫蘭大學邀請我還有幾位做報紙的人演講我們的創業過程。


   I would like to start off by thanking the Porter Scholarship Committee and the Cleveland Professional Chapter of The Society of Professional Journalists for selecting me to receive this award. I couldn’t thank you all enough for this amazing award and opportunity to meet you all. Secondly, I’d like to thank Twinsburg High School for introducing me to Broadcast Journalism and teaching me the basics of what it means to be a journalist. From hosting the THS News, to writing reporter packages, to creating intros of me dressed as the mascot screaming ITS GAMEDAY; Twinsburg High School has been an amazing experience and shout out to Mr Kirtley for putting up with me in his Broadcast Journalism class, Yearbook Class, and being apart of the Scoreboard crew. Most importantly I would like to thank my family for being my main support system. I most definitely wouldn’t be here without all of their support and love and helping me get in and out of a sweaty mascot suit. And I would like to apologize to my sister for all the times she had to be my camera woman for all my packages I made during the Pandemic. Enough about the past though. I am extremely excited to continue my future in learning about Broadcast Journalism and how to become the best Journalist I can possibly be. I’m going to end this speech by reciting a quote from arguably the greatest basketball player to ever live and Ohio Native, The King, Lebron James “I’m going to use all my tools, my God-given ability, and make the best life I can with it.”