


父親:Andrew L. Kline

Mr. Kline is a Co-CEO of Chase Properties, where he oversees the Company’s acquisitions, dispositions and development programs. Prior to joining Chase in 2002, Andy was with Heitman Capital Management in Chicago, where he was involved in identifying and evaluating real estate acquisition and joint venture opportunities for Heitman’s institutional pension fund clients. He began his career with Security Capital Group, where he analyzed public real estate securities.
Mr. Kline is a member of the Ahuja Medical Center Board of Directors. Andy is a former Chair of the Board of E Prep Woodland Hills, has served on the boards of Village Prep and E Prep schools, and is currently a member of the board of Friends of Breakthrough Schools, a high performing operator of a network of charter schools in urban Cleveland. Andy is a member of the Cleveland Chapter of Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) and serves on the Executive Committee of the YPO Real Estate Network, a global network of real estate executives.
   He is a graduate of Cleveland Bridge Builders and The Diversity Center’s Lead Diversity program. Andy holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. In addition to spending time with his wife and children, Andy enjoys playing guitar, watching his hometown Browns and Cavs and spending time in the mountains.

母親:Riddianne Kline

   在中國人的眼中,猶太族裔是一個十分團結相互扶持幫助的一群人。中國人跟他們有很相似的地方,但也有很多不想同的地方。我記得我的朋友Annie,她是批發商,她的客戶基本都是猶太人。她曾經吿訴我一件事情;她的客戶吿訴她:有人提供與Annie 同樣的貨,但是價格比我朋友便宜,如果我的朋友能出相同價格,那么他還會繼續與我朋友做生意如果我朋友做不到,他去拿別家貨,猶太人誠信。
   猶太人的歷史悠久,可以分爲五個時期:(1)在猶太敎之前的古代以色列,從開始到公元前586年;(2)公元前6世紀和5世紀猶太敎的開始;(3)公元70年第二聖殿毀滅後形成的拉比猶太敎;(4)拉比猶太敎的時代,從公元312年君士坦丁大帝統治時期基督敎得到政治權力到18世紀基督敎政治霸權的結束; (5)多元猶太敎時代,今天美國經濟也是在猶太人手中。

女兒:Ava Kline

   Ava Kline的父母就是這樣的組合。父親Andrew L. Kline是 Chase Properties 國際國內房地産總裁,母親 Riddi Kline不但是一位商業精英,還是家里相夫敎子的閑妻良母。她是克利夫蘭UH Rainbow hospital的董事成員。

    Ava Kline是Hathaway Brown 女子私校的學生。她熱愛體育,喜歡和同學朋友們打排球和玩滑板。 Ava請了9個好朋友,還有她的爺爺奶奶,外婆和弟弟,一起在我的好朋友Jenny的Gingie Spa and Massage 慶祝了她難忘的13歲生日。

Happy 13th Birthday to Miss Ava Kline, daughter of Andrew and Riddi Kline! Ava is officially a teenager now! A student of Hathaway Brown School, Ava enjoys playing volleyball and skateboards and loves her friends and family more than anything!


Happy Birthday!