


   11月6日,80歲的Kenneth J. Kovach來到伊利華報報社,他帶來了他的榮譽勛章,他的能量和熱情哪像是80歲的人,目前他還在三所大學敎書。我2012年認識他,2019年他介紹我在ICC社團擔任董事會成員,讓我有更多的機會去接觸更多的社區不同族裔的人們。

   Kenneth J. Kovach是第二代移民,父母早期開洗衣店,母親還是裁縫,他們都沒有上過大學,父母的願望一定要子女接受高等敎育。
   所有來美國的移民,他們都幾乎一樣經歷一段不同尋常的過程。而父母都希望他們的子女能過得比他們更好。Kenneth J. Kovach也一樣,他曾經夢想當牧師,上了神學院,最後他發現自己更是喜歡文化交流,他的夢想很大,走出國門,讓國際民俗節和世界一日日的相結合,他是活躍在克利夫蘭每一個社團的帶動人之一。

   2020年Kenneth J. Kovach參與國際社區理事會 (ICC) 和 WIN-NEO(全球跨文化網絡)的董事會,正在將這兩個組織合併,具有 20 年歷史和遺産的 ICC 和具有 4 年歷史的 WIN。

   Kenneth J. Kovach積極提供來自俄亥俄州東北部國際社區的一些新信息,他還希望給多元化的社區中添加更多的引路人。

Noted musician Kenneth J. Kovach awarded Order of St. Romanos CLEVELAND, OH [OCA]
Kenneth J. Kovach.

   Kenneth J. Kovach, Choir Master at Saint Theodosius Cathedral, Cleveland, OH for nearly five decades, was awarded the Order of Saint Romanos on Sunday, September 2, 2018. Presenting the award was His Grace, Bishop Paul of Chicago and the Midwest, who celebrated the day’s Divine Liturgy with Archpriest John Zdinak, Dean, and the cathedral’s clergy.

   Established by the Holy Synod of Bishops in 2014 under the patronage of Saint Romanos the Melodist, the Order is awarded to influential arrangers, composers, teachers, and conductors. Past recipients include Archimandrite Roman [Braga], Archpriest Sergei Glagolev, Archpriest Igor Soroka, Prof. Dr. David Drillock, Dr. Vladimir Morosan, Archpriest Martin Nicolai, Aleksei V. Shipovalnikov, Walter Shymansky, John Sutko and Carol Wetmore.
“This is a highly prestigious award bestowed by the Holy Synod of Bishops each year,” said Father John. “The Order is given to those who have made outstanding contributions to the field of liturgical music in the Orthodox Church in America and beyond.”
Prior to assuming duties as the cathedral’s Choir Master, Kenneth served as Choir Director at Saint John the Baptist Church, Warren, OH. He has been recognized widely as an “exemplary Ambassador” for the Orthodox Church in America and Orthodox Christianity in general. He is especially well known for increasing public awareness of Orthodox Christianity through scores of public liturgical music concerts and presentations and a wide range of civic and cultural activities. A graduate of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, South Canaan, PA; Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Yonkers, NY; Saint Sergius Theological Academy, Paris, France; and the Ecumenical Institute in Geneva, Switzerland, he also holds a Masters degree in Sociology from Case Western Reserve University and completed course work for a Doctoral degree in Sociology.
   Kenneth was further honored at a post-Liturgy reception at the Copper Stone Event Center.