



12-31-2021- 1-1-2022

7:30pm - 1:00 Am
Address:Fun Buffet
2695 Creekside Dr, Twinsburg, OH 44087






   我認識Dr. L. Carlisle Woods RN MD MetD1夫婦已經有一段時間了,他們都十分熱心于社區活動,Dr. Woods 曾經帶小提琴手來參加克利夫蘭婦女會活動,也參加了伊利華報15周年慶活動,我們相識相知。他們在非裔社團里承擔着政治宗敎藝術領導人的角色,當他們得知我想把中西藝術結合起來在2021-2022跨年活動上做表演後,他積極參與並帶來他們的 Hip Hope Trio: Plus 團隊。讓我們拭目以待觀看他們與夢之隊第一次響亮登台合作。(浦瑛)

Applying the Trivalent Understanding Noetics(T.U.N.),
Through 'Edutainment' by the Hip Hope

“Our company, (Prometheus Reborn Universal Foundation – P.R.U.F.), provides Health/Education, (includes Personal Development and Staff Development), services applying the ‘Trivalent Understanding Noetics’ (T.U.N.), 'Edutainment'.”
“The "Trivalent Understanding Noetics", (T.U.N.), is the synchronization of the body, mind and spirit connection that is presented in the form of 'Edutainment', (coined by KRS-I). "Edutainment" that features stand up philosophy, (includes culture, comedy, drama, science, anthropology, and music/songs), that explains the differences between listening and hearing, knowing and understanding, the functions of the human spirit, (ENABLES, PROTECTS, AND VISUALIZES), and how mankind ignorance of his/her own operations has caused CONFUSION, DISEASE, AND DEATH.”
“The music/songs are usually self-performed and produced through our musical/edutainment group called "THE HIP\HOPE TRIO-PLUS". Our musical group performance is described as Afripean or Hip\ Hope, (positive enabling hip hop), but its unique flavor, mind engaging lyrics and uplifting rhythms will be what is always remembered about this musical ensemble.”
“The "PLUS" is the standup philosophy portion spoken through “Kwaku Baba Amoa”, (Dr. Larry Carlisle Woods RN MD MetD1), who speaks to the listening audience through and between the inspirational musical tunes of the Hip Hope Trio, (three singers). Baba Amoa, (dominated for the X-Prize for Innovation in Education and Health), gives insights into the newest Science known to humankind– Noetic Science. Applying motivational storytelling, drama, and spiritual insights,Baba Amoa states ‘What I will propose is a new understanding of the basis for human operation changes individuals and groups of HUMANITY’.”
“THIS NOT RELIGIOUS, but it is the foundation upon which all religions are based.”
“Through ‘Edutainment’, ‘THE HIP\HOPE TRIO-PLUS’ continues the tradition of other Global Entertainment, (Production Company), artists featured @ the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament, Congressional Caucus Breakfast & Introducing Barak Obama to Cleveland Ohio and introducing all human beings to Y.O.U., (Your Own Understanding).”

“Introducing the newest phenomena from Global Entertainment:
THE HIP\HOPE TRIO-PLUS” Education through entertainment is spelled ‘Edutainment’ & ‘THE HIP\HOPE TRIO-PLUS’ continues the tradition of other Global Entertainment artists featured @ the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament, Congressional Caucus Breakfast & Introducing Barak Obama to Cleveland Ohio.
Their music is described as Afripean or Hip\ Hope, (positive enabling hip hope), but its unique flavor, mind engaging lyrics and uplifting rhythms will be what is always remembered about this musical ensemble.
Composed of Kwaku L….
Asi H… And Chelli K…
….the Hip\Hope Trio-Plus, is a collection of educators, doctors-(yes real M.D.’s), and artists harkening back to neo-soul while catapulting you forward…to what??
Listen…and learn.
Prometheusrebornfdn111@gmail.com or call
216-375-2742 for info.




闊別兩年 朋友讀者重相聚

鼓勵支持 陪同華報再啓程





費用: 普通票$30/人(僅30張 售完爲止)

支持者$50/人($50起 不設上限)