



CWAC 2022 Membership Renewal 會員會籍更新

   我謹代表克里夫蘭婦女協會董事會向所有會員及您的家人拜個晩年。在您的支持和鼓勵下CWAC能與所有受疫情影響的人攜手並肩,度過了COVID-19的難關。我們高興的通知您今年克里夫蘭中華婦女聯誼會將于2022年3月26日舉辦一年一度的會員現場慶祝活動, 詳情稍後發出。
   電子方法:用Zelle付費,收款人郵件 cwa8888pay@gmail.com。 請在備注欄寫上你的名字和電話,若是新會員請email塡好的會員表,我們會將會員卡郵寄給您。
   郵寄方法:請塡寫隨付的會員表,支票寄回會員費。支票抬頭給CWA,並附上已貼郵票的回郵信封, 寄至 20770 Goller Ave.Cleveland,OH 44119。 我們會將會員卡郵寄給您。
Anna Li

Dear Members:
I have the privilege of serving on the board of Chinese Women Association of Cleveland, an incredible organization doing tremendous work in our community. Through the challenges of COVID-19, CWAC has stayed connected with the community and pushed forward to ensure our members were supported during these uncertain times.
I am proud of everything that CWAC does to improve our community, and I hope you’ll join our efforts to better our community by becoming a 2022 member of Chinese Women Association of Cleveland.
Easy ways to join us:
USPS Mail: Please fill out the attached membership form, mail in with membership fee in the form of check or money order.
Electronically: Please reply to this email. Either attach completed membership renewal form, or provide your full name and phone number in the context of email, or in Zelle memo field if you are an old member. If your mailing address has changed since last renewal, please update us as well.
Payment Option:
1.Pay by Zelle: Please make payment to cwa8888pay@gmail.com. In memo field, enter your name, phone number. If new member, please enter “New 2022”
2.Pay by check or money order: Check shall be made payable to CWAC. Please include a Self-Address Stamped return envelope to 20770 Goller Ave., Cleveland, OH 44119 (Address also printed on the membership form). We will mail you back a membership card once it is processed.
CWA also has a “WeChat” group for our members. If anyone is interested in joining our WeChat group, please make sure to fill out your WeChat ID so you will receive updated information with our activities and events.
Attached are 2022 Discount Stores list and membership form for your reference. Thanks for your continued support and wish you all a great Tiger year full of luck!
Anna Li
President of Chinese Women Association of Cleveland (CWAC) 2021-2022
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