


   4月22日星期六下去1-3點,在38街亞洲城一樓,克利夫蘭亞洲團隊舉辦了亞洲社區社區日活動。團隊還邀請了社區合作夥伴:亞洲服務協會(ASIA)、ICHC、Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition、United Health Care和克利夫蘭公共圖書館聯合舉辦了這一活動。

   一位叫戴維斯的女士,參加克利夫蘭廣場舞後,改變了她的人生方向,她對她的舞蹈老師用中文寫了:李嵐老師就像太陽一樣照亮我,看着克利夫蘭華人們業餘生活日日開心,感謝克利夫蘭Middleton和Asina 等社團爲亞洲城貢獻,完善克利夫蘭亞洲城
   當日亞洲商場的Pho Lee 越南餐廳提供了小吃,還有圖書館圖提供書籍,居民也塡表,並且吿訴大家他們的喜愛,希望未來能與志鄰居們建立聯繫,讓我們大家關注 AsiaTown 社交媒體。
   AsiaTown 要通知大家:感謝所有參活動的人。在5 月 6 日 上午8:30 – 1Pm.在跳廣場舞停車場,舉行社區清潔活動。讓我們的城市美麗乾凈起來,希望在那里見到您們。

   On Saturday, April 22, AsiaTown residents and several community partners gathered together to share food, resources, and brainstorm about how they would like to be involved in the neighborhood. Our community partners, Asian Services in Action (ASIA), ICHC, the Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition, United Health Care, and the Cleveland Public Library engaged with residents and shared resources. We enjoyed snacks from Pho Lee’s Vietnamese Restaurant and books from Kid’s Book Bank. Residents completed a Skills and Talent Profile where they circled their areas of interest in the hopes of connecting to neighbors with similar interests. Folks also had the chance to nominate community members for us to spotlight on the AsiaTown social media. There is so much to celebrate in the AsiaTown community. Thank you to everyone who came out and to our dedicated community partners! We hope to see you at our neighborhood cleanup May 6, 8:30 – 1 at the Square Dancing Parking Lot.