

Fu Sheng Chinese Restaurant嚴正聲明

  6月13日,中午在 Shake Library,公共圖書館,The Musketeer Association 負責人Cheryl 給我看了一張照片,説有一家名叫Fu Sheng, 4071 Lee Rd, Cleveland, OH 44128
   Cheryl 和我一行4人趕到飯店,看見店主Joy Lin and Jason Lin 夫婦,我看他們是一對地道誠實的店主,他們吿訴我經過,這個格子是他們孩子在家里的寵物,並且當場夫妻倆給我們看了許多照片,同時也表示了,當日因爲是星期天,飯店不營業,從朋友那里買來鴿子,順便到店里拿些東西,只是在店里停留了一下就帶着鴿子回家了。

Hello everyone
This is The Fu Sheng Chinese Restaurant,
As many of you guys have seen there has been a picture going around on the internet of a worker carrying pigeons. Every Sunday the Restaurant is closed so that we can get supplies needed. That Sunday, June 11, 2023, I went to a friend and bought pigeons. Due to the size of the cage that they were put in I thought that before I went and got the supplies I would drop the pigeons off at the restaurant so that there would be enough space to fit all the supplies necessary. After coming back from getting the supplies the pigeons were in fact taken straight home. With the picture floating around on social media there has been a lot of misunderstandings and conceptions. These pigeons are known as both homing pigeons and carrier pigeons. The pigeons are also in fact just pets in the family for my kids. I hope this helps and explains everything that has been going on.
Thank you.