



   2月11日,在麗華酒家,早上9:30 ,Kitty Lee 的姪女就在門口等位子,他們一家4口人是從哥倫布開車到克利夫蘭來過中國新年,Kitty也邀請我和兒子和未婚妻一家人,大家在美食舞獅喜氣洋洋中過新年,也讓我兒子未婚妻一家人第一次觀看中國傳統舞獅,今年是我第一次與兒子另一半家人一起過節。
   席間Kitty 姪女Wendy介紹我認識她的朋友,Sarah Bollinger並且非常感動地説,Sarah還特地帶了兩件旗袍,想穿給我們看,並且她的朋友非常感動她們一家人參加這個激動人心的慶祝活動。



  Thank you so much for welcoming our family for this exciting celebration! Here is what I came up with about our experience:
As a homeschooling family of seven who deeply values learning about other cultural experiences, it was such a joy for us to be invited to join in this year’s Chinese New Year celebration by our dear friends, the Poling family. Our five children, ranging in age from 4 to 13, eagerly tried new foods around the family-style table (chicken feet was among their favorites), and watched as trays of delicious dishes and desserts made their way around the busy restaurant. The lion dance and drum routine were so well done, and we were all amazed at how the agile dancers made time to stop for all the kids and families through the huge crowds! Toward the end of the event, both our daughters wore their treasured Qi Pao, gifted by their Auntie Wendy, and they were so humbled to be welcome in celebrating such a beautiful culture. We are thankful for the opportunity to take part, and wish everyone in Cleveland a wonderful New Year!
Jake and Sarah Bollinger
Eli (13), Eden (11), Abrielle (10),
Micah (8), and Shai (4)