


   春節期間我去看望非裔朋友L. Carlisle Woods夫婦,幾個月前Dr.Woods出了一場嚴重的車禍……幾個月後Dr.Wood 出現在我面前是一個更健康更年輕的人,他們都過了70歲,可是看上去就像五六十歲的人精氣神。
   今年一月Dr.Woods 夫婦去加納兩周,在那里Dr.Wood被任命爲酋長(Ohene),而她太太則獲得了王太后(Ohema)的頭銜,他們對我説,他們發現那里存在與美國類似的問題,其中兩國都以英國爲基礎建立了自己的敎育體系,而英國最著名的敎育家之一曾嚴厲批評過英國的敎育體系。
   世界著名的英國敎育家肯尼思·羅伯遜 (Kenneth Robertson) 因癌症于 2020年8月21日去世,他提倡創造力和更加多樣化和個性化的課程,他表示:“我們的敎育體系已經開採 - 就像我們爲某種特定商品開採地球一樣,對於未來它不會爲我們服務。
   Dr. Woods 吿訴我並且讓我看到最近一篇驚到了我眼球的文章:世界快死了,卻沒人注意到。文章提到:即使誰都沒有注意到,那百分之一多藏必厚亡的巨富人精焉能不知?就像疫情到現在都不知道是怎么發生的一樣,給人們帶來恐懼,接着這個世界還會做什么?




Educational Direction/Process
By-Dr. L. Carlisle Woods RN MD MetD1
CEO of P.R.U.F.

   After my wife and I recently returned from our two week stay in Ghana, where I was made Chief, (Ohene), and she adorned with the Queen Mother's, (Ohema), title, we noticed similar problems there as in the USA, where both nations had modeled their education system from the British example that has been soundly criticized by one of its best known educators, Sir. Kenneth Robinson. Sir. Kenneth Robertson, world renowned British educationalist, who died 8\21\20 from cancer, promoted creativity and more diverse and individualized curricula stated, “Our educational system has mined or minds - in the way we strip mine the earth for a particular commodity, and for the future it won't serve us. We must rethink the fundamental principles on which we're educating our children”: Sir Kenneth Robinson's 2006 Ted Talk, “Do schools kill creativity?”, remains the organization’s most popular presentation, (had almost 75 million views April 17th, 2023). ‘Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.’ Albert Einstein.
   Imagination, as the author of creativity, is one of the main functions of the spirit according to the Trivalent Understanding Noetics, (T.U.N.), and it is soundly discouraged in all our training, (educational), institutions, “Stop that daydreaming child and put your mind here on the class”, a statement and a sentiment felt throughout our system of training called “No Child Left Behind. But this system was created not to teach children how to use their Spirits, Minds, and Bodies - but to instead train them in the English, Math, and social conventions desired by large corporations in their employees. George W. Bush - would when asked about the standards of our Educational System stated, “The standards of our system are the abilities desired by most employers in their employees.” So, we are training a bunch of workers for Ford, KFC, and Walmart- not teaching children how to tap the potential in each human being. Our system limits our children, and our future.
   We need a system based on the individual's ability to direct their Spirit to engage their Minds and the Understanding of their Knowing of their being, (see definition and demonstration of the difference between knowing and understanding and why it's important). How and why to direct their minds into enabling paths, not only elevates the person it directs both the individual and the culture… forward.
   Understanding how to coordinate the best functioning of your Trivalency is basic to the best of humanity and should be the basis of all teaching/pedagogic pursuits. Without this understanding - you are trying to compete in a Drag Race without understanding how a clutch and stick operate in coordination with the gas and brake pedal, (“I raced at Alton drag back in the day.”). You can do it, but nowhere near as well as those with the best understanding and coordination of those cooperating units.
   Education should always start with an Understanding between what the student “knows” and what they “understand”. Then that Understanding should be expanded and explored to answer basic questions about What, Who, Where, and When the student is, so that the Why of their being becomes clearer.
   The functioning of their Spirit to direct and focus their Minds should be pointed out as they think about any question, problem, or situation. Changing or altering the images or visions of a situation profoundly changes the the circumstances and the solution.
   The Trivalent operations of humanity are very well known but little understood - which should now be one of the major foci of all educational institutions and educators. To find out more about this offshoot of Noetic Science visit - Prometheus Reborn Universal Foundation, (P.R.U.F.) on Facebook; or on YouTube check out “The Mettah Channel”, (peek the spelling,) for all our podcasts and videos.
P.E.A.C.E. *(Proper Education Always Corrects Error)