











音樂歌舞歡笑辛辛那提 人喜慶金牛新春來臨


大辛辛那提中國音樂協會于一月十七日舉行音樂會,歡慶牛年來臨。 當晩辛辛那提大學庫貝禮堂內座無虛席,身着節日盛裝的各族裔觀衆,歡聚一堂,欣賞着悠揚悅耳、動人心弦的音樂和婀娜多姿、輕盈柔美的舞蹈。
來自紐約Dance China 的藝術家爲觀衆表演了傳統的“紅綢舞”、 具有中國少數民族風格的“彝族舞”和如詩如畫的音樂舞蹈“琵琶 音詩與孔雀”。在2001年簽約紐約林肯藝術中心《牡丹亭》劇組的成員楊冰爲觀衆獻上了絢麗奪目、委婉動聽的京劇“天女散花”。Ball State University 聲樂敎授、歌劇演員、女高音獨唱家MeiZhong博士充滿激情、揮灑自如地演唱了“海外赤子”和廣西民歌“趕墟歸來啊哩哩”。她的四名硏究生則用中文表演了洋溢着婚禮喜慶的湖南民歌“嫁女歌”。由Mark Gibson 指揮的辛辛那提大學音樂學院交響樂隊成功地演出了現任中國交響樂團團長關峽先生創作的高亢激昂的《第一交響序曲》。第十五屆那不勒斯阿爾伯特.古奇國際小提琴比賽銀奬和特別奬獲得者高參出色地演奏出了Bruch Violin Concerto 1st Movement。著名胡琴演奏家謝振剛在交響樂隊伴奏下完美地詮釋了趙季平創作的《喬家大院》這一民族交響組曲的意境內涵。

    音樂會上的每個節目都贏得了觀衆經久不息的掌聲和歡呼聲。觀衆的激情隨着的小提琴演奏家陳曦登台達到了高潮。當這位第十二屆柴科夫斯基國際音樂比賽小提琴比賽銀奬獲得者(該屆比賽無金奬)拉響了具有300年歷史的斯特拉底瓦里古董名琴“紅寶石”那一刻,他也撥動了台下所有人的心弦。陳曦所展現出的嫻熟的技巧、豐富的藝術想象力、深邃的情感、對音樂的激情, 使全場觀衆陶醉也使其深感震撼。當他演奏的“Sabre Dance”一曲結束時,全場起立,掌聲雷動,歡呼聲不絶于耳。
    年一度的新春音樂會是大辛城中國音樂協會舉辦的活動的重要組成部分。如往年一樣,音樂會籌辦有很多志願者積極的參與,同時獲得了諸如 P & G Company, Fine Arts Fund, City of Cincinnati, Neisen Co,Lynn Y.S.
Lin consulting Co.和John Pepper這樣的公司、機構、企業和個人慷慨的資助。在慶祝新春音樂會成功舉辦的時刻,該協會主席MayWu和理事會的成員對衆多的志願者和贊助者表示由衷地感謝。

  大辛城中國音樂協會The Greater Cincinnati Chinese Music Society (GCCMS)  

    The mission of the Greater Cincinnati Chinese Music Society (GCCMS) is to promote Chinese culture through music, arts, and education. Since it was founded in 1994, this non-profit organization has coordinated various music concerts and culture events in the greater Cincinnati areas including Dayton, Columbus, Ohio, and northern Kentucky.
    Browse our Web site for more information about Great Cincinnati Chinese Music Society. If you have any questions or would like to speak with a Great Cincinnati Chinese Music Society representative, please e-mail us at info@cincinnatichinesemusicsociety.org
     Greater Cincinnati Chinese Music Society is an independent, nonprofit organization. Its mission is to promote Chinese culture through music and education.
    This local nonprofit organization has been introducing Chinese culture to the Cincinnati community through music since it was founded in October, 1994. Originally designed as an annual cultural event to celebrate the Chinese New Year, Greater Cincinnati Chinese Music Society New Year Concert becomes a tradition showcasing both traditional and contemporary Chinese music. In 2003, we received support from The Fine Arts Fund for a music/education project that involved members of The Cincinnati Junior Strings and the Cincinnati Symphony Youth Orchestra. Members of these orchestras enjoyed the rare opportunity to rehearse and perform Chinese orchestral music and learning about aspects of Chinese cultures. Participants of this project also participated in a special scholarship competition, and eight young musicians received scholarships towards their orchestral studies. In 2004, we continued our mission of encouraging greater community involvement in the study of Chinese music by recruiting some of our young musicians to serve as interns for the New Year concert.
    As we continually meet the challenges of producing stellar quality performances, generating more funding to sponsor in-depth learning opportunities for young musicians of Chinese music and culture, we ask for you continual support by donating to Greater Cincinnati Chinese Music Society. We also welcome young musicians to apply for our student scholarship. Please contact us for more detailed information.

Contact us info@cincinnatichinesemusicsociety.org
Greater Cincinnati Chinese Music Society P. O. Box 15421, Cincinnati, OH 45215



