












Fourth Annual Symposium on K-12 Chinese Successfully Completed December 15, 2009, at The Ohio State University
Sponsored by OSU K-12 Chinese Flagship Program, Ohio Department of Education, Ohio Association of Teachers of Chinese ,national East Asian Languages Resource Center
中文旗艦中小學項目董事會于12月1日召開會議,策劃將來的發展。(部分董事和中文旗艦人員合影) K-12 Chinese Flagship Advisory Board members and OSU staff




接着由Marion學區的學監Carl Metzger介紹開發中文項目的經驗;再由都市高中的學生Zunera Syed介紹學習者的體會。然後,俄亥俄州立大學中文旗艦的吳偉克敎授和史昆向范良琦和劉培君老師授予“優秀敎師奬”。上午的主會場以石魁思的精彩快板書表演而結束。

      各分會場的發言者是:Kenyon大學的白建華敎授,愛克隆大學的張永芳博士,州敎育廳的Ryan Wertz,俄州大中文旗艦的史昆、趙煥貞、裴贄和劉軍,俄州大外語中心的Rebecca Bias,全美東亞語言資源中心的李敏儒,都市高中的Jane Ensign,俄州當代中文學校的校長許琳,以及中小學中文敎師:郭偉、姜滿、黃靜鈴、張敦、游爲和楊曉莉。(欲閲各位發言人的提要,請登陸: k12chineseflagship.osu.edu

     本次硏討會的經費來自于中文旗艦中小學項目,同時得到俄亥俄州立大學和州敎育廳人力、物力的支持。硏討會的總協調人是Ryan Wertz和史昆。如需進一步瞭解俄州中小學中文敎育的情况,請登陸: http://k12chineseflagship.osu.edu。
The fourth annual symposium on K-12 Chinese

 was successfully hosted by The Ohio State University (OSU) K-12 Chinese Flagship Program and Ohio Department of Education’s (ODE) Office of Curriculum and Instruction on December 15, 2009 on OSU campus. The event was co-sponsored by the Ohio Association of Teachers of Chinese (OATC) and the OSU National East Asian Languages Resource Center (NEALRC). The theme of the symposium continues to be “Making the Global Connection: Linking Students and China in the 21st Century,” with more attention given to program sustainment and teacher development this year.
Nearly 200 people attended the symposium, mostly school/district administrators, foreign language coordinators, school board members and Chinese language teachers. Preliminary evaluation feedback indicates great satisfaction with the informative sessions helpful to Chinese programming.
The event began with a welcome from Galal Walker and plenary session for all participants. Ellis Yan, CEO of the Ohio-based TCP, Inc., delivered the videotaped keynote address because of his business trip to China. His remarks provided unique perspectives on global business and its relationship with learning Chinese language and culture. This year, we had an administrator (Carl Metzger of Marion Local Schools) and a high school student (Zunera Syed of Columbus Metro High School) sharing their experience on maintaining Chinese program and learning Chinese. Then, Zunera Syed led her peers to perform a chemistry class skit in Chinese. The plenary session participants were excited by a kuaiban (fast clapper) story telling performed by Chris Stellato, an OSU Chinese Flagship graduate. Galal Walker and Kun Shi presented the OSU Teaching Excellence Award to two dedicated teachers of Chinese: Jeannine Subisak (Columbus Academy) and Peggy Liu Lovro (Indian Hills High School). Afterwards, participants attended one of three breakout sessions below:
Track A addressed the needs of schools seeking information and options for initiating and staffing K-12 Chinese programs. (Speakers: Ryan Wertz and Huanzhen Zhao)
Track B addressed the needs of schools with established Chinese programs to sustain and improve their programs. (Speakers: Jianhua Bai, Kun Shi, Jun Liu, Jane Ensign, Mike Kralovic, and Lin Xu)
Track C provided professional development and networking opportunities for over sixty teachers of Chinese. (Speakers: Jianhua Bai, Yongfang Zhang, Minru Li, Jun Liu, Rebecca Bias, Pat McAloon, Maan Broadstock, Mike Kralovic, Ching-Ling Huang, Dun Zhang, and You Wei)
The symposium concluded with a networking session that allowed schools and districts to share the challenges as well as resources/solutions in starting and maintaining Chinese programs. Connection was made between school administrators who were planning to hire and qualified teachers of Chinese seeking jobs. The symposium was coordinated by Ryan Wertz of ODE and Kun Shi of OSU, assisted by the staff of OSU, ODE, OATC and NEALRC. Funding for the event comes from the OSU K-12 Chinese Flagship Program, assisted by the OSU and ODE staff. For more information about the symposium agenda and presentation outlines, please visit http://k12chineseflagship.osu.edu.







