


亮相 2023紐約國際藝博會


   又是一個難忘的紀念!繼2021年榮獲紐約國際藝術博覽會全場最高奬後,這次又榮獲2023年紐約國際藝術博覽會創辦四十多年,近半個世紀有史以來給出的頂級大奬[世界藝術卓越引領者奬]。希望將來亞洲藝術也能引領世界。藝博會主席(總裁)Eric Smith 親自到艾倫趙瓊的作品前頒奬,前紐約州衆議員楊愛倫和著名藝術家冷軍先生、著名翻譯家陳鋒敎授、著名詩畫家嚴力、中國常駐聯合國敎科文組織副代表王盈公使、紐約華埠共同發展機構主席陳作舟先生等衆多嘉賓好友們光臨展會祝賀。

   2023年美國紐約國際藝術博覽會于3月30日正式開幕,這是目前世界上規模最大、藝術品交易量最多的國際藝術博覽會之一,衆多國際畫廊,藝術館,各種流派的藝術家們雲集紐約,藝術博覽會場人潮涌動,群芳吐艷。我們的目光被正門口的#103號展位吸引,這里是此次藝術博覽會上最爲璀璨的亮點。華裔藝術家艾倫趙瓊博士(Ellen Qiongzhao.Schicktanz) 的巨幅美國歷史題材作品艷壓群芳,吸引了無數嘉賓、收藏家和觀衆們的關注,駐足欣賞和贊嘆。藝博會總裁及業務負責人與中國常駐聯合國敎科文組織副代表王盈公使等一起觀看了艾倫趙瓊的作品並給予了高度的評價。
   美國紐約國際藝術博覽會40多年來成就了許多世界級的繪畫、雕塑藝術家,包括安迪.沃赫(Andy Warhol)、羅伯特·勞森伯格(Robert Rauschenberg) 、基思·哈林(Keith Haring),勒羅伊·內曼(Leroy Neiman),彼得.馬科斯(Peter Max)和羅伯特.印第安納(Robert Indiana)等世界頂級藝術大師,他們都曾在這裏一舉成名。亞洲展區如今已成為美國紐約國際藝術博覽會不可或缺的重要組成部分,本屆博覽會上,由羅丹國際藝術家基金會(RodinInternational Artists Foundation)、美國亞洲藝術學會 ( Asian ArtAssociation of America)和美國中華文化基金會 (Chinese Cultural Foundation) , 參與組織的展區特別邀請了著名美籍亞裔實力派女藝術家艾倫趙瓊參與,並在展會上展示了她的部分巨幅浮雕作品和油畫。其中有巨幅油畫[美國你將駛向何方?],還有4幅大型玻璃鋼高浮雕[華盛頓總統率軍橫渡德拉瓦河],[美國聯邦憲法製定者],[美國獨立宣言簽名者],[美國感恩節歷史場景再現]。四幅高浮雕都是根據美國百年歷史油畫改創的,均爲歷史人物等身原形,每件作品均爲10尺高,20尺寬,重約1500磅。浮雕裏的開國領袖們都與眞人的實際比例一樣栩栩如生,40多位歷史先賢們帶著不同的神態表情置身於一個宏大的場景和畫面中。

   特邀嘉賓紐約華阜共同發展機構和紐約華阜商業改進區行政總監陳作舟(Wellington Z.Chen)先生看過艾倫趙瓊的作品後很激動並當場眞誠邀請艾倫趙瓊帶作品參加美國250年的紐約慶典活動。


 藝術家簡介:艾倫趙瓊. ( Ph.D Ellen Qiongzhao.Schicktanz) ,美籍華裔職業藝術家(油畫、雕塑),文學美術史博士,國際資深藝術策展人。美國女神藝術博物館館長,羅丹國際藝術家基金會副秘書長。畢業于日本京都造型藝術大學,京都大學和東京早稻田大學。出版20多部著作。藝術作品自上世紀八十年代中期曾多次舉辦藝術個展並參加國際藝術群體展,油畫和雕塑作品被日本富士美術館,美國革命歷史博物館(美國獨立戰爭博物館), 美國國家憲法中心,華盛頓渡河國家歷史遺址公園,美國華人華僑博物館等多家機構收藏或作爲城市公共藝術景觀。1993年和1997年先後榮獲日本富士美術奬,2018年榮獲美國國家移民大奬「艾麗斯島榮譽勛章」。2019年在紐約聯邦大廳國家紀念館,美國第一任總統喬治.華盛頓就職典禮的地方,作爲200多年來首位亞裔藝術家舉辦個人油畫和雕塑藝術作品展覽。2021年榮獲第43屆美國紐約國際藝術博覽會最高奬[藝術卓越成就奬],同時紐約時代廣場納斯達克大屛幕特別播放了艾倫趙瓊獲奬信息和油畫雕塑作品系列。2022年7月在華盛頓D.C. 榮獲(UCA)美國華人大會中華文化傳承奬。

   As one of the largest and most activeart fairs in the world, Artexpo New York is coming in 2023. Over the past 40years, it has showcased numerous world-renowned artists in painting andsculpture, including Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, Keith Haring, LeroyNeiman, Peter Max, and Robert Indiana, all of whom were established throughthis fair. The Asian section has become an indispensable and important part ofArtexpo New York. This year, the Rodin International Artists Foundation and theAmerican Asian Arts Association will feature a special invitation to Dr. EllenQiongzhao Schicktanz, a renowned Chinese-American artist, to showcase hermagnificent paintings and sculptures.
   Ellen Qiongzhao, a talented painterand sculptor, is also a highly respected senior art curator with wideinternational influence. Over the past two decades, hundreds of internationalartists and art masters from more than 20 countries around the world haveparticipated in her curated exhibitions, including Europe, America, Asia, andRussia. In recent years, she has curated over ten large-scale exhibitionsfeaturing international art masters that have created a significant impact,garnering coverage in hundreds of media outlets including news, television, andonline platforms. Ellen Qiongzhao’s works have even been displayed on the largescreens of Nasdaq many times in New York City.
   Ellen Qiongzhao Schicktanz is aninnovative artist who has made outstanding achievements and contributions tosociety in the field of art. In 2018, she was awarded the Ellis Island Medal ofHonor, celebrating the contributions immigrants and their progeny have made tothe United States. In 2019, she became the first Asian-American artist to holda solo exhibition of oil paintings and sculptures at the Federal Hall NationalMemorial in New York, where the first US president George Washington wasinaugurated. In 2021, she was awarded the Artistic Excellence Award at the NewYork International Art Expo. In July 2022, she received the Award of ChineseCultural Heritage at the United Chinese Americans (UCA) Convention inWashington D.C.
   Her art has always been focused onhumanistic feelings and a sense of responsibility for the times. Havingimmigrated to the United States 25 years ago, her creative content incorporatesAmerican historical themes and the multicultural experiences of immigrants. Shehas created numerous portrait paintings and sculptures without discriminationof race or social status. Her artworks have participated in many internationalart exhibitions and been collected by various institutions such as the Fuji ArtMuseum in Japan, the Museum of the American Revolution, The NationalConstitution Center, the Washington Crossing Historic Park, and the Museum ofChinese in America. Her works have also been displayed as public art landscapesin many cities.
n particular, over the past 15 years,she has been represented by the Rodin International Artist Foundation and hascreated several sculptural works based on American historical oil paintings,which have been donated and collected by museums and art galleries. She led aninternational artist team from the United States, China, and Japan tocollaborate on several giant marble and bronze historical reliefs.
   These include the bronze high relief [WashingtonCrossing the Delaware ] (1.5 tons, 3 meters high, 6 meters wide), themarble high relief [Reappearance of American Thanksgiving Historical scene ](14.5 tons, 3 meters high, 6 meters wide), the stone carving [Scene at theSigning of the Constitution of the United States] (14 tons, 3 meters high,6 meters wide), and the bronze relief [Signers of the Declaration ofIndependence] (1.6 tons, 3 meters high, 6 meters wide), among others.
   Ellen Qiongzhao's works arecharacterized by a strong sense of history and epic grandeur, featuringrealistic depictions of characters and grand scenes that reflect her high levelof artistic ability. Recently, the Rodin International Artists Foundationsigned a contract with Ellen Qiongzhao to donate her artworks to the FederalHall National Memorial in New York and the National Museum of the AmericanIndian.
   At the upcoming Artexpo New York 2023,Qiongzhao will showcase her large-scale oil paintings and fiberglasssculptures, each of which measures 3.3 feet high by 6.6 feet wide and weighsabout 1500 pounds.