












這是HB 的三名學生參加今年第七屆”漢語橋”全美中學生演講比賽的中英文講稿。韓慧獲得了高級水平第一名,希望能將她們的中英講稿登在伊利華報上,或許對孩子們的中文學習會起到積極的作用。

HB女子學校敎師: 胡小川

I like Chinese Language and Culture

伍惠利( Haley Wellener)

Hello, everyone! I am from Cleveland, Ohio and go to Hathaway Brown School. My Chinese name is伍惠利 and my English name is Haley Wellener. This year I am sixteen years old, I have studied Chinese for two years. My hobbies are playing tennis and playing lacrosse. Because I love to study languages, besides studying Spanish I also study Chinese at my school, Hathaway Brown. On the weekend I like to chat with friends, watch movies, and sleep. Now, I don’t know what I want to study in college, but I think I want to study international business. Because I want to study international business, I want to learn how to speak Chinese. Because China has a large population and long history, I need to learn about Chinese doctrine (?). Next Year I want to go to a school in Washington, D.C. for a semester where I will learn International relations. While I am there, I will continue to study Chinese.
Four years ago, I watched the 2008 Beijing Olympics opening ceremony. Since then, I have fallen in love with Chinese culture and language. I have never been to China, but after college I want to go there to study. I love to eat Chinese food. In Chinese One, my teacher taught us how to make Chinese food. My Chinese class also went to a Chinese restaurant for lunch and to learn about Chinese culture. In addition to liking Chinese food, I also like Chinese songs because I think the Chinese people are smart and their lyrics are interesting. In Chinese class and history class I learned about Chinese history and culture. This makes me want to learn more about China. Although the language is a little difficult, it is very interesting. Because Chinese culture is so different from American culture, I have a great curiosity to learn more about Chinese culture. Although Chinese culture is very old, I also think it is very modern.
In Chinese class my teacher used to play Yan Jue songs that I like. Although I do not love to end my speech, I want to say- I like, no I love China.









