













   人需要學習,學習能讓自己進步,最近克利夫蘭非裔領袖人物Larry Woods博士面對面地給我上了10堂身心靈課程,讓我明白了過去一些我不明白的事情,他敎會了我去思考:我學到了人首先要有健全的心靈,心靈控制思想,思想再控制身體,唯有人達到了身心靈平衡,才能活出健康的人生!認定幸福快樂,來自身心靈健康,人將磨練視為考驗,是增進成長的難得機會,人要提陞智慧,領悟人的生命是上天爲了提陞我們心靈、磨練心性,提供修心養心的,磨練使人成長,增進能量,把有限的人生變得精採豐富。

   Larry Woods博士敎導我:人是身心靈的整合體。身體是可見的心靈,心靈是不可見的身體;身體如實反應我們的心靈,心靈亦如實呈現出人不舒服了,那么就有疾病。因爲心靈主導著身體,而身體又是一個高智慧的有機體;心靈健康出了問題,將全然的反射於身體上,反之亦然,又因爲身心靈是一體、互為影響且不可分的。心靈與物質醫學之間有主從關係,處理人的健康問題,還需從「心靈」開始,心靈與物質醫學並非對立,乃是可以相輔相成,且可以互相流動的。當我們有心去改變自己生命的頻率,而與天地共振時,也就是身心靈達到平衡時,健康是不假外求而自然天成的。因為心靈的力量無窮,只有身心靈全人同時被治療時,那么人才能達到一個完美境界。
   當我們在做一件事情的時候,我們眞的不知道做後將會發生什么事情。6月12日,我參加了我的身心靈老師Larry Woods 博士的學生的婚禮,因爲新郞Myles Alexander Keaton Smith也是Larry Woods 博士的學生,他是一位音樂家,這是我第一次參加非裔典型的婚禮,它給我上了一課。

   婚禮是在克利夫蘭Kinsman街與82街交界的叫Rid all Green Partnership 一個農場辦的,與我往常見的婚禮完全不同,沒有鮮花沒有氣球,當新郞Myles Alexander Keaton Smith演奏動人的小提琴時候,現場歡呼了,我馬上意識到,我都在大自然的懷抱里,鳥語花香,我還想鮮花氣球?身心靈老師Larry Woods的話仿彿又在耳邊想起:人的精神是控制思想的,那一個瞬間我感到這里有多美麗,尤其説婚禮是3:00開始,但延遲了近1個小時,而人們還是耐心平靜等待,這就是老師説的身體是思想控制的。
這句話是Larry Woods的座右銘 P.E.A.C.E.*(Proper Education Always Corrects Error)他眼里的魅力克利夫蘭:
Cleveland, Ohio has lived at least two different lives. It’s first as a growing and thriving city in the early Industrial Age (1890 to 1925), and again from 1935 to 1975 as a vibrant industrial center. Then the loss of steel production and manufacturing as the basis for economic growth led to the ‘rust belt’ years of decreased finances, jobs, and production.
“But watch out world, Cleveland is making a strong come-back!”
Our basketball team is playing..for real!! The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has created a collaboration that has produced the world’s only, Music Business School in downtown Cleveland. Lake Erie is a beautiful source of fun, adventure, and a scarce commodity-clean, fresh, water, (sorry Flint).
The present and future look very promising for, “the Land”, global warming may actually help Cleveland get a climate very similar to Memphis, Tennessee. The Republican National Convention in a few months will bring millions of dollars to the city. National and International attention is being focused on our Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team, and the next stage in the evolutionary development of the human species comes right out of Cleveland.
Don’t believe me? Then check out, ‘The TrivalentUnderstanding’,(at prometheusreborn.com), considered for the 10 million dollar, “X-Prize” for innovation in health and education. It’s creator was asked to attend the United Nations, ‘Incentive2Innovation Conference at U.N. Headquarters in New York.
With its educational and edutainment center in downtown Cleveland and students from China, Korea, Malaysia, and The Philippines; this newest branch of the newest science known to man, (Noetic Science), is taking the world by storm.
So Cleveland, with friendly, honest, people; a growing expanse of newly created urban gardens (Rid-All Farms), a new face, a new base, and a year that has boldly proclaimed that this is their time to rise,
(2016 is the year-remove from this number the digit that means nothing and you get 216-which is the area code for Cleveland, Ohio“So… What’s good Cleveland?”
Obviously…YOU ARE!!









