

浦瑛開講:採訪Jeff Kutash

   12月28日,Jack Craciun lll和他Godson Thomas Antwain帶着縣住拉斯維加斯,Jack他小時候的朋友Jeff Kutash和Jeff的女朋友Lina Palacio到伊利華報做客,我怎么也沒有想到:這位1945年出生在克利夫蘭的名人舞蹈家,讓克利夫蘭TV Show “Upbeat”在全美國家喩戶曉的人就讓我零距離採訪了他。

   Jeff Kutash1945年出生克利夫蘭,他16歲開始了他的藝術生涯,他曾經擔任克利夫蘭著名的TV Show “Upbeat”的舞者和編舞老師,他被克利夫蘭搖滾博物館列入2000 年搖滾名人堂。 他曾經爲世界著名舞蹈家 James Brown, Otis Redding, Jackie Wilson, John Travolta, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jackson, Bette Midler, Cher 和 Jerry Lewis編舞。他還是著名的貓王 Elvis Presley, Dick Clark, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. and Tom Jones現場表演策劃總監。
   Jeff Kutash 是"Street Dancing" 創新品牌的人,是創造了拉斯維加斯的水上表演Splash的第一人,這個表演成爲熱門節目持續了21年。
   Jeff 他們4人到伊利華報報社來做客,讓我一下精神抖擻,好久了,我一直不順,我的生活和身體都發生了問題,我想是上天給我一個考驗,他設置各種各樣大大小小的障礙,當然所有的障礙都是自己造成的:我的緑卡,駕照過期,信用卡被盜,還有我的微信被禁,更難受的是伊利華報網站被停,關於伊利華報網站一事,我們出動全報社人員加上Jack還有Antwan 懂法律的人與加拿大Justhost 網站公司打交道,每次都是不同的工作人員,整整一個月,就在12月13日我對網站負責人説:如果您們像我一樣有10位客戶,您們都要發瘋了,至少我太失望,因爲我發現網站都是自動化,自動化只認第一次注冊的郵箱,網站公司不會爲我們沒有原注冊的郵箱改變自動程序,我已經沒有耐心,我放棄了。

   我再次感謝Jack把Jeff帶進我的世界里,Jeff這么一位睿智的人,他讓我的夢想再走進一步。他目前擔任Liberace Foundation Board of Directors,他在準備一場節目,收集從50年代到現在的藝術家的作品,他將要把100多位已故著名舞蹈歌唱家的作品再次搬上舞臺,讓在家獃得發慌的不同年齡的人感受舞臺的魅力,Jeff的身心離不開舞臺,而我們準備20周年年慶的中西舞臺劇“愛.健康”請Jeff做策劃總監,Jeff也給了伊利華報更大的舞臺。 浦瑛


Puttin’ On the “Glitz”

   The musical story of the King of Bling, Mr. Showmanship, LIBERACE, is coming to the stage next year in the new Spectacular : “GLITZ”!
   The impact and influence of Liberace at the forefront of Pop Culture is legendary. He created so many firsts that virtually all Vegas Headliner acts can be traced to, or thru him – from Elvis to Elton, from Ga Ga to Cardi B.
   LIBERACE was the first Superstar who needed only one name.
   LIBERACE broke all attendance records and became the highest paid entertainer in the world.
   LIBERACE’s appearances have over 20 million YouTube views.
“GLITZ” presents the Spirit of Liberace ( the Wizard of “Oz Vegas” ),who comes to life as the Storyteller/Alter Ego of the epitome of flamboyance,LIBERACE, in a story filled with struggles, controversy, triumphs, glamour, and luxury.
   “GLITZ” is a dream show for LIBERACE adoring fans and new admirers as a kaleidoscope of bedazzled costumes, tricked out cars & pianos, baubles, bangles, & bling, high tech EFX, proprietary video, dancing fountains, and even LIBERACE on Ice… LIBERACE is cool again!
   A cast of 50 singers, dancers, musicians, and specialty attractions represent the Fabulousness of what the greatest showman of all time would put on stage today… flash for the fun of it.
Emmy & Golden Globe Choreographer and 12-time Las Vegas Show of the year “SPLASH” Creator & Director Jeff Kutash is producing “GLITZ”, with Producer Jeffrey Lee Costell.
   The“GLITZ” Opus is sanctioned by Chairman of the LIBERACE Foundation Jonathan Warren, who is an Executive Producer.
“GLITZ” will feature Sony Masterworks Piano Virtuoso and Grammy Breakout Artist Chloe Flower as Special Guest Star.
   Philip Fortenberry, internationally renowned pianist, will perform as “Hands of Liberace “under Musical Director & Conductor Keith Thompson, of “Jersey Boys” fame.
   The Spirit of LIBERACE will be played by a major Hollywood film actor [TBA] and a national talent search is being held to cast the role of Mr.Showmanship, LIBERACE .
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