


一位屢獲殊榮的獨立電影製片人Johnny K. Wu

   2024 年3月2日,克利夫蘭著名華人Johnny Wu 拍攝的電影 Bullets, Brothers and Blood VIP 首映活動在Lakeshore電影院播放,吸引無數嘉賓,克利夫蘭當了16年的市長Frank Jackson和朋友一起也來參加當晩首映現場,記得上次Johnny的電影他也是全程觀摩,可見這位老市長對他市民的關心和支持。

   Johnny K. Wu是一位屢獲殊榮的獨立電影製片人,他曾幫助伊利華報做了三期編輯工作,他對電影有夢想,始終保持他的初心。他是克利夫蘭亞洲節的領袖之一,同時他也是世界日(洛克菲勒公園)主席,2024年,他被clevelandpeople.com.授予The 2024 Class of the Cleveland International Hall of Fame 榮譽。
   Johnny居住在俄亥俄州克利夫蘭。他最近有兩部電影——《武俠 2 密碼》(2019 年)和《武林:社會》(2021 年)——背景設定在反烏托邦的未來,並且嚴重依賴動作。 《子彈、兄弟與鮮血》以當代背景爲特色,更感興趣的是講述一個引人入勝的故事,而不僅僅只是上演武術的打斗場面。

Movie Premiere: "Bullets, Brothers and Blood"
   The Cleveland indie film scene buzzed with excitement on March 2nd, as Atlas Cinemas Lakeshore 7 hosted the premiere of "Bullets, Brothers and Blood," the latest action movie by the city's own Johnny K. Wu. Known for his martial arts genre films, Wu, and screenwriter Gaines Strouse’s film venture was met with anticipation and intrigue.
   The premiere event was a testament to Wu's resilience and dedication. Despite health challenges during the film's production, including heart issues and high blood pressure, Wu's cast and crew rallied to ensure a smooth production. This collective spirit was palpable at the premiere, where the audience was eager to witness the fruits of their labor. Featuring professional photography from Discovery Photo, as well as interview outlets such as tv20, the red carpet emulated the excitement of a Hollywood film.
   The audience's reaction was a crucial measure of the film's impact. As the lights dimmed and the action unfolded, the crowd was treated to a narrative woven with drama and thrills, characteristic of Wu's filmmaking style. The audience was engrossed by the gripping storyline and the well-choreographed action sequences, featuring Jerry Sur, Matt Kane, Vernard Adams, and Martin Carlton, as well as strong acting performances from Shannon Ahlstrand, Hussein Hassan, and Angel Reed.
   The response from the attendees was a mix of admiration for the technical execution and the storytelling prowess. Wu's ability to create a compelling action movie on an indie budget resonated with the audience, who appreciated the local talent and the Cleveland-based filming locations.
   "Bullets, Brothers and Blood" not only showcased Johnny K. Wu's tenacity as a filmmaker but also highlighted the vibrant independent film community in Cleveland. The premiere was a celebration of local talent and a testament to the power of collaborative filmmaking, leaving the audience both entertained and impressed.
   伊利華報從2022年開始得到Medtown對我們的關心,現在還有Small Business Development Center. The Unban League of Greater Cleveland社區伸出援助之手幫助解決伊利華報財務問題,雖然現在還沒有結果,但我已經很感謝其他族裔社團對我們的關注。

   在今天社會動蕩不確定,人與人之間還在互相鼓勵互相幫助理解包容,眞的讓我非常感動。作爲一個來美國30 多年的移民,雖然美國已經不同于當年我們來的時候,疫情給人們留下深刻陰影,但由於科技的發展,我們只要帶着感恩與感激來對待自己對待別人,相信我們的夢想會早日實現。